| 1. | 《 the sixth patriarchs dharma jewel platform sutra 》 , influence ji person who praise deep meditation poem forming that poem pay attention to directly , at the same time but also scholar poem that influence the tang dynasty , make the buddhist learn to mean strong italy ' s poems of deep meditation emerge in a large amount , and is led into the creation of the scenic poem by wang wei , etc . , have opened up the artistic conception and artistry of the poem 摘要《坛经》三十六对法,不仅直接影响了偈颂等禅诗诗理的形成,同时也影响了唐代的文人诗,使禅学意味浓厚的禅意诗大量涌现,并被王维等人引入山水诗的创作中,开拓了诗的意境与艺术技巧。 |